The challenging process of obtaining residency in the United States has been around for a long time. In most cases, a person needs to know the legal system, and a professional group of lawyers generally proves to be the best action.
With Giulia Fantacci (aka Abogada Julia) and her firm, GF Immigration Law, it’s been in her life’s work helping victims of trafficking, exploitation, and unfair work. Knowing how the legal system works, she attempts to get legal status for qualified clients.
Anyone looking for help within the realm of immigration law should seek it from someone experienced, like the team at GF Immigration Law. Their CEO, Giulia Fantacci, enjoys obtaining positive results for her clients and ensures that her team has the same mindset.
When they finally get their papers and feel at home in the United States, it’s an official start to a new chapter that is a lifesaver for many.
Understanding the English Language
Since the dominant language in the United States is English, especially regarding legal discussions, can be very intimidating for any immigrant who doesn’t speak English, and receiving help in their native language is crucial.
GF Immigration Law has a team ready to cater to different languages. When communication is handled correctly, it can make the entire process that much faster. It also reassures the client that they can rely on the team for constant communication.
Gainful Employment
The average immigrant may have trouble finding employment at first due to their lack of experience in the United States. If a person can’t find gainful employment, it’s tough to live in the United States for too long before they run out of money.
Giulia Fantacci understands just how valuable a T-Visa can be for getting proper employment. Taking the necessary steps to get a T-Visa can be a launching pad for better jobs down the road.
It eliminates many of the hurdles immigrants face and puts them on as even ground as possible with other applicants.
Making the Most of Education
The United States has ample opportunities for different levels of education. Still, it’s not always easy to access them when an immigrant first comes to the country. Taking advantage of educational opportunities can make a difference at any age.
There are more and more programs geared toward helping immigrants get proper education, but it still takes a bit of effort for the average person to get started and in the right direction.
Those looking to provide for their family can start taking courses and working towards a degree.
Confusing Legal Speak
Choosing Giulia Fantacci’s firm is an excellent opportunity for people to get help without feeling overwhelmed. That’s because the team at GF Immigration Law handles the overwhelming aspect of immigration throughout the legal process.
With a trusted team doing all the heavy lifting, immigrants don’t have to worry much about the legal side. As their team provides services that help as much as possible with the least amount of stress on the client.
Fantacci explains to every client that a T-Visa can’t be guaranteed, however, if a person qualifies and is approved, it speeds up reuniting families and even opens up opportunities to get the Green Card later.
Not having to worry about housing issues can take a huge burden off of anyone’s shoulders. Once residency is established, it’s much easier to do everything else that a person needs to become part of a community.
The problem many immigrants face revolves around having to start from scratch. They don’t know much about the area they’re moving to and/or don’t have the type of history many places are looking for.
Most of the time, they likely have to rent, and the options are not in the best part of town.
To make matters worse with the housing situation, transportation can become more and more of an issue. Most can’t afford to live in the most convenient locations when first moving to the United States.
That means they will need to rely on public transportation. An individual can’t get their driver’s license without having proper documents.
Since so much of the United States has a card-designed layout, many immigrants want to obtain a driver’s license as quickly as possible. Giulia Fantacci is very aware of how one thing can lead to another.
If an immigrant is struggling to speak the language fluently in the United States, they might not be able to get the housing they want or the type of job they are qualified for. When that all adds up, it’s a very tough situation with the decks stacked against an individual.
How Papers Are Obtainable with the Help of Giulia Fantacci
Giulia Fantacci can’t guarantee every client she works with gets their papers. However, she will explore every option and see if something can turn a client’s life around.
Abogada Julia’s been able to help countless people reach a positive outcome in a relatively short time. Once a person can secure a T-Visa, they can look at other permanent options.
It might not seem all that attainable initially, but going into the process with someone with the knowledge and experience makes a huge difference. Giulia Fantacci hopes that she can make that type of impact.