Motorcycle accidents are always on the rise and stats show that the number of injured people in these accidents is more than expected. Most riders are of the age group between 16-25 years and suffer from severe physical injuries. These accidents can cause several serious injuries such as brain injury, and fractures in arms, legs and ribs. It is suggested to contact a good Motorcycle broken bones injury attorney in Georgia, who can take up your case and help you win fair compensation. Without a lawyer, it may not be possible to get what you deserve.
Reasons for motorcycle accidents
Let’s delve deep into the reasons why these accidents have increased more than ever before. Some of these reasons have been discussed below:
Distracted driving
If the driver behind the wheel is distracted, he can hit a motorcyclist quite easily. Moreover, motorcycles are smaller objects, which can hardly be seen in the dark or if the car driver is not focusing on the driving for a moment. The usage of mobile while driving or playing a favorite song in the car is the most common reason.
Drunken driving
It is one of the most common causes of accidents on the road. If the motorcyclist or the car driver has consumed alcohol or drugs while driving, an accident is bound to happen. It is the duty of everyone to drive in a sound body and mind. If you have taken alcohol, you should not drive at all and let your partner drive the car or motorcycle. This is the only way to avoid these accidents.
Damaged roads
Motorcycles can easily slip on the road if it is damaged. Potholes, broken roads, cracks and gravel can be risky for the rider. That’s why, it is suggested to pay attention to the condition of the road and if it is not good, you must slow down or change the lane altogether. It will help you avoid the road accident.
Traffic violations
Motorcyclists tend to disobey the traffic rules because they believe that they can jump the lights at a high speed and easily escape. However, this action can lead to serious accidents and injuries for the riders, pedestrians and drivers. It is suggested to follow the traffic rules and save lives.
Getting in touch with a motorcycle accident attorney can help you win the case if you have received serious injuries.