Researchers have revealed that exposure to carcinogens and endocrine disruptors in hair relaxers can bring endometriosis, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer. You can file a hair relaxer lawsuit to get what you are owed.
Are There Fees for a Hair Relaxer Litigation Attorney?
There are no out-of-pocket expenses for an attorney to analyze your case. The handling of every matter is done on a contingency fee basis.
Which Claims Are Most Likely To Be Made In Your Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Claim
Women all throughout the United States are suing the makers of hair relaxers for ovarian and uterine cancer. The following are some of the most specific allegations made in claims involving hair relaxers:
- The producer did not thoroughly investigate the link between the chemicals used in relaxers and cancer.
- To ensure that consumers were aware of the hazards of both cancer and other illnesses, the company neglected to issue recalls for hair relaxers.
- The maker of the hair relaxer products failed to include any warnings on the elevated risk of ovarian and uterine cancer as well as other adverse effects.
- On labeling, the company provided erroneous and misleading information on the safety of hair relaxer products.
How the Exposure to Hair Relaxers Affects the Victim’s Access to Money
How much compensation you can anticipate receiving if you have used a hair relaxer cannot be answered in a single manner. The following elements, among others, may have an impact on the amount of compensation that victims can get:
- How long have you used a hair relaxant?
- How many hair relaxer manufacturers are engaged in a case?
- The nature of the illness or cancer
- the extent of the illness or malignancy
- Whether the condition (cancer, for example) has prevented you from working or reduced the number of hours you used to put in at work
- the suffering brought on by the illness or malignancy
- the stage at which the illness or malignancy was discovered
- Whether you had a single or more ailments diagnosed
Victims Benefit from Compensation from Hair Relaxer Lawsuit
You may be able to cover various damages with the money you get from a hair relaxer lawsuit. This includes the price of healthcare services like surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and other related expenses.
Compensation can assist in covering losses associated with your employment, such as missed salary, diminished earning potential, and other funds you lost due to the sickness.
Last but not least, receiving compensation may help cover your pain and suffering as well as the quality of life loss you endure due to the sickness.